cloud Archives - Being in the Shadow Total solar eclipse - experience is everything Thu, 17 Feb 2022 12:46:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A four year drought Tue, 10 Jul 2012 11:43:49 +0000   The countdown is on until the next total eclipse – 13/14 November. Only 126 days to go! It has been some time since I actually saw my last total eclipse. The last one was on July 11, 2010 over Polynesia, Chile and Argentina. I had to miss that one due to my partner Geordie […]

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An Eclipsed message
Letters made up of partial eclipses. Anything with holes can project the partial eclipse.

The countdown is on until the next total eclipse – 13/14 November. Only 126 days to go! It has been some time since I actually saw my last total eclipse.

The last one was on July 11, 2010 over Polynesia, Chile and Argentina. I had to miss that one due to my partner Geordie overcoming a serious illness. The total eclipse before that was on July 22, 2009. I was in the crowd desperately willing the clouds to part in the Chinese seaside resort of Jinshanwei, just south of Shanghai. Sadly, it was not meant to be.

So the last time that I have actually properly experienced a total eclipse was on top of a hill, in remote outer Mongolia, with Geordie and our eclipse chasing mate Chris. What an amazing trip, amazing scenery, interesting people, and a great adventure, as well as a totally awesome eclipse. That was on August 1, 2008. It’s hard to believe that it was almost four years ago to the day. I have been in serious withdrawal since, and as you can imagine am very keen to be in position in November. I am literally counting down the days until I can stand in the shadow again. Sigh.

The post A four year drought appeared first on Being in the Shadow.

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