The Being in the Shadow – Virtual Clinic offers a convenient clinical psychology telehealth service for adults (over 25 years) adjusting to health challenges impacting their mental well-being.
Dr Kate Russo BPsych (Hons), MClinPsych, DPsych, MAPS
Dr Kate Russo is a senior Clinical Psychologist with over 25 years of international experience in supporting mental health care for those with acute, chronic, and life-limiting health conditions.
Kate now offers online sessions across Australia from her tiny home in rural North Queensland. Private Health and Medicare rebates are available, and times are flexible to best suit your needs.
Thousands of Australians are now using telehealth for mental health support. Find the help YOU need, from a professional and experienced psychologist, from the convenience of your home.
55% of Aussies would be more likely to seek mental health support if they could access it via telehealth.
The Being in the Shadow – Virtual Clinic may suit if you are:
* Looking for a telehealth solution to suit your circumstances;
* Facing sudden uncertainty due to a change in your health;
* Looking for psychological insights and new ways to adapt;
* Falling through service gaps (e.g. a rare medical conditions, under-resourced services);
* Facing multiple barriers to accessing psychological support (e.g. rural or remote location; travel to access specialist services);
* Needing an experienced clinician who understands medical jargon;
* Seeking a Psychologist / Director who will be available to engage intermittently over a period of years.
An Intake Form will be used to ensure this service can meet your needs.
“Sometimes, all we need is a guide to navigate through the darkness.”
–– Kate Russo
Services Offered
Single Sessions
$280 per session
Private Health rebates available
One-off sessions can be useful at key moments such as at diagnosis, the development of complications, or when important decisions. are required. Gain clarity, tools, and direction.
Solution-focused Brief Therapy
Motivational Interviewing
Supportive and existential counselling
Ongoing Therapy
$240 per session
With GP referral, rebate of $141.95 leaves your gap fee of $98.15 per session
Evidence-based therapies to support you through the additional stressors of living under the shadow of an acute, chronic, or life-limited condition:
Schema Therapy
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the fees?
- One-off sessions: $280 per session
- Ongoing therapy: $240 per session
- Clinical Consults: $250 per 30 mins
Do I need a referral?
I already have an MHTP from a GP. Can I access the Virtual Clinic?
I am not working – can you bulk bill?
The Virtual Clinic is not a bulk-billing practice. You are encouraged to seek local alternatives that offer bulk billing as they will better suit your needs for ongoing therapy.
How long do sessions last?
Can I book after-hours or weekend appointments?
How do I pay for sessions?
How can I book appointments?
Reserved appointments are held to give time for payment, and appointments not paid within 5 days may be reallocated if needed. Sessions are only confirmed once payment is made, and only then is the secure link sent.
What if I cannot attend a booked appointment?
When your appointments are confirmed by payment, you will receive a courtesy SMS reminder three days in advance, and you are free to cancel your appointment and reschedule. Once confirmed by SMS, any subsequent cancellations will be charged $30. If you do not give any notice and fail to show up at your allocated time, you will be charged $99. Medicare rebates cannot be used for cancellation fees.
How do I communicate in between sessions?
Who do I call in an emergency?
The Virtual Clinic is not able to respond in an emergency. For immediate crisis support, please reach out to Lifeline (13 11 14) or Beyond Blue (1300 22 4636). For local emergency support, contact your GP.
Why does the Virtual Clinic only provide a telehealth service?
Kate has extensive expertise in providing specialist mental health support for those living with acute, chronic, and life-limiting medical conditions. Telehealth allows practical access to this niche area, regardless of client location. Working exclusively online also allows Kate to work from her rural location without having to relocate to a metropolitan area.
Do I need any special equipment?
How will I know if telehealth is right for me?
Most people appreciate the convenience of online appointments, but it may not be suitable for everyone. To ensure the ‘best fit’, all referrals are assessed within 48 hours and returned if unsuitable. All potential clients must complete an intake form that determines if the Virtual Clinic suits their needs. Note that the service is for adults over 25 years, and is not suitable for those with an existing diagnosis of severe mental illness, psychosis, addictions, suicidal ideation, self-harming behaviours, or complex social needs, as these require local services to assess and manage appropriately.
If, after several sessions, you would prefer not to use telehealth, Kate will help identify a local clinical psychology service and facilitate an onward referral.
I have never seen a psychologist before – what can I expect?
If you have short-term immediate goals, you may benefit from a one-off session, which aims to clarify your immediate concerns using brief therapy techniques. Some find a follow-up appointment reassuring and then no longer require support.
Most people seeking clinical psychology services have long-term goals. Typically, the initial consultation will focus on a detailed assessment and formulation of your situation, and a treatment plan will be agreed upon with you, using evidence-based psychological therapies that best suit your needs.
If you are attending with a GP referral under a MHTP, it is a requirement that your GP receive communication at regular intervals. Those self-funding or claiming under Private Health do not require communication with others.
Where can I find testimonials or feedback from past clients?
How is my privacy protected when using online services?
What are Kate’s qualifications?
What is Kate’s background in psychology of health care?
Making a referral? Download the Virtual Clinic Referrer Guide
The Story Behind “Being in the Shadow”
Dr Kate Russo, Virtual Clinic Director, has spent her career in the service of others, and feels her psychology work is an absolute privilege. She values every person who comes through her clinic.
Kate also has another passion – she has also dedicated her life to chasing and understanding total solar eclipses. Her unique approach and deep passion for this rare celestial event have made her an international authority.
During a total solar eclipse, the Moon’s shadow is cast upon the Earth, offering a fleeting moment of darkness and revealing hidden wonders to those ‘beings’ fortunate enough to be within the shadow’s path. Kate shares the awe and wonder of totality with the world through two key areas: communicating the hard-to-describe experience of totality, which can be life-changing; and guiding communities to prepare for a total solar eclipse. Her mantra is to ‘Experience totality: above you, around you, within you.’
In her clinical psychology work, Kate serves as a guide, drawing parallels between the transformative experience of awe and wonder, to the life-altering insights we gain when faced with threats to our existence, such as in the shadow of illness. When we accept our limitations, darkness can reveal new perspectives, hidden strengths, and a new path forward. As someone living in the shadow of illness herself, Kate’s philosophy is, ‘Sometimes, all we need is a guide to navigate through the darkness.’
Being in the Shadow – Virtual Clinic | ABN: 726 5735 8926
PO Box 862, INGHAM QLD 4850|MM 6 (Remote Community)
W: beingintheshadow.com/VirtualClinic
The Virtual Clinic is not able to respond in an emergency. For crisis support, please reach out to Lifeline (13 11 14) or Beyond Blue (1300 22 4636), or contact your GP.